Organized by
Cantabrian Sea Award sponsored by
First Prize - Lukasz Chmielewski - Silence of the Light II
Second Prize - Taichi Kodama - Graftage_22_06
Third Prize - Akito Tanimura - Sea
Mar Cantábrico Award - María Valvanuz García-Saguar Pérez - Bruma
Honorary Award for Outstanding Work 1 - James McCreary - Dublin bay Buoys
Honorary Award for Outstanding Work 2 - Yasufumi Takano - Afternoon Inlet
Honorary Award for Best Series - Alicja Snoch Pawlowska– In the Process 1
Honorary Award for Best Series - Alicja Snoch Pawlowska– In the Process 2
Honorary Award for Best Series - Alicja Snoch Pawlowska– In the Process 3
Mention 1 - Lihie Talmor - Sound Mirror_2
Mention 2 - Carsten Borck - Acqua Forte a Punta Secca
Mention 3 - Marta Sliwiak - Latern Light I
Mention 4 - Toshiaki Shozu - Hope 22.24.2
Special Mention - Nastazja Ciupa - Non-places II
Abel Dewitz - Las Ondas 1
Abolfazl Nazari - Untitled 1
Adriana Olguín - Acqua II Serie 3
Agata Dworzak-Subocz - Water I
Agnieszka Helena Jankiewicz - cycle_the present times_ Moment IV
Akito Tanimura - Tide
Alain Campos - Brisa
Alberto Porres Viñes - Paraíso
Alessandra Svatek - I´m the Day
Alexandru Jakabhazi - The Contrasts of the Sea 1
Alicja Habisiak-Matczak - Stand with Ukraine VI - Dzharylhach Island
Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska - In the Process 2
Amy Clancy - July B
Amy Sands - Tide at Cantabria I
Ana Aydillo - Mar en Calma
Ana María Aragüés - La espiral del Sueño
Ana Undurraga - Deep Blue I
Anastasia Deyko - +1,3º C
Anasztaszia Filimonova - A walk by the universe
Ángel Arteche García - El Sueño del Pez
Angélica Díaz Rafols - Faro en las Nubes
Angú Vázquez - Al borde del cielo
Anna Szumigaj-Badziak - Sea space CR1
Anna Trojanowska - Visual Representation_04
Anna-Liisa Sääsk - Seas of Red I
Anne Morris - Untitled 2
Antonio de Padua Cañete González - Luz Nocturna
Aysen Erte - 3. Lighthouse
Bartosz Korszun - Guardian III
Begoña Calvo - Cada noche - 1
Begoña París Álverez - Piélago II
Bernadette Madden - Warm Day 12-17
Bernard Mailer - San III
Bess Yuk Ming Ho - Hello yellow tower we are here! B
Biro Ildiko - Reflection in Water 1
Borja Moreno Farinós - Anónimo
Branka Grizelj - The Red Sea
Bren Unwin - Mudlarks III
Camilla Morrill - Rip
Carlos Arturo Tejeda - Pedreña. La última Sardina del Verano
Carlos Javier Vielba Seco - El Ojo del Mar
Carmen Herrera Nolorve - Hasta los peces Duermen
Carol Muñoz Patiño - Vida
Carolina Gutierrez - Chicas en el Muelle
Carsten Borck - Cape Cod
Celia de Bragança - ESTIBORDO
Chie Fujie - Trip in the dark Night
Chie Mori - The Awareness 2.1
Christiaan Diedericks - The wound is the place where the light enters
Christine Kertz - Homesick
Claire Lawson - Bright Night
Claudia Sbrissa - In the Sudden Storm III
Claudina Marques Coelho - Onda Negra
Colin Gillespie - Paper Boats
Conceiçao Freitas - The Scape
Consuelo Zori Minana - Homenaje a los Impresionistas II
Corinne Mariotte - Ulysse 1
Cornelia León Villagrá - Playa de los Caballos
Csaba Pal - Big Blue 03
Daniel Aguilera - Cabracho
Daniel Fernández Padrón - Marinos 1
Daniel Garbade - Movimiento en la Costa tres
Dimitris Mouggos - Mar Mediterráneo
Dominika Kosidlo - Untitled 1
Dominique Joyeux - Hope - Esperanza - Espoir
Eduard Jakabhazi -The Lights of the Sea 1
Elaine Chao - The Sea Dragon Sleeps
Elham Radfar - Untitled II
Elisabeth Kirschbaum - Ola Llegando III - 1
Eme Vilaplana - Galeón fondeado
Emilia Boix - Mar de Noche III
Emme Jota - Boga
Erika Aasa - Sea View 1 - 5-8
Eszter Sziksz - Lighthouse. The passing time, Virtual reality print
Etsuro Takikawa - To the Ocean, alternative
Eva Ploczeková - Sailing
Eve Eesmaa - In and On the Sea III
Fina Solé Bergé - Aqua
Floki Gauvry - Reflejos Náuticos #3
Francesco Spallina - Lighthouse I
Francisco Andrino Muñoz - Diseño de Pez
Francisco Javier Martín Galán - Sin título
Gabriela Fernández Madero - A-normalidad I
Gala Mendioroz - Marea I
Gökcen Meryem Kılınç - Dreamer_Ocean apart
Grace Bayala - El poder del agua
Hamid Reza Bashiri - Untitled number 4
Haruko Cho - B-cushion Thai #5s
Helen Strom - Disruption 1
Henry Pouillon - Espuma_y_rociones_03
Hiroaki Sano - 蛹 VII
Hortensia Pérez Cuenca - Tan cerca
Hui-Ju Chang - Guishan Island
Inge Stornig - Seaside I
Iris van Lavieren - Into the sea 2
Jaime Moroldo - Luz guía
James McCreary - Oriental Buoys
Jan Farrell - Whale Shark Swimming 2
Jane Szabo - Nauset Bay
Janette Hopper - Sky 6 - Stormy Sea
Jelena Krstic - Inner Landscape 2
Jim Lorena - Talasa III
Joanna Kobialka - In the Light
Jodi Holmes - Bacchus
Jolanta Rudzka Habisiak - From the cycle SEA, STORM
José Gracia - Arqueología Marina I
José Manuel Chamorro Chamorro - Maris III
Joseph Scheer - Lobster Traps
Josephine Duffy - Sea Migration
Jozina Marina - Near the Sea 1
Juan Ranieri - Noé
Judy Bourke - Seaing The Light 4
Julia García López - Vigia II
Julio Rejas - En el Fondo
Kalli Kalde - A Poisoned Sea 1
Kinga Zarzeka - Guppy
Klaudia Skrobek - Sea Creatures - Jellyfish
Laberinto Estigia - Luna Memoria
Laura Cardoner - Origen
Laura González - 2050 I
Lawrence Wilson - Harbour Water in Sunlight
Lihie Talmor - Sound Mirror_1
Linda Parr - Tower of Hercules
Lindsey Moran - Low Tide
Lionel Bras - Phare et Vague 3
Lola Cereceda - Faro III
Lorena Iglesias Salas - Dream of a Lighthouse III_ Calm Drift
Lourdes Perlas - 3 Faros
Luanda Lozano - Mar Abierto I
Luciana Tamas - You are the master of Flight
Lukasz Chmielewski - Silence of the Light III
Lurdi Blauth - Tierra a la Vista III
Lyn Melville-James - Tide and Sky
Magdalena Kacperska - Luce II
Maite Diaz - El Mar
Maite Fuertes - Reverberaciones II
Malgorzata Stachurska - Fountain V
Manfred Egger - State of the World III
Manolo Granado - Faro II
Manuel Matoses Rebollo - Cretti del Mare
Marcela Caballero - Marea II
Marcela Manso - Don't Fall Asleep
Marcelo Gurruchaga - Maloboug
Marek Grzyb - Depth
Margarita Bravo - Sin título 3
María Centeno - Clara Navis I
María Eugenia Vidal Aguirre - Reflejos
María Gabriela Zgaib - Amarillo II-256
María Glòria Martí Rubí - Poesía bajo el Agua 1
María Julia del Campo - Sin título 1
María Mercedes Echeverría - Las Caras del Mar II
María Torta Bausili - Faros, Estrellas Terrestres
María Valvanuz García-Saguar Pérez - Bruma
Marie Bukowski - Changing Tides #36
Marija Svetieva - Sunset
Marisa Gill - Una voz en el Faro
Marta Sliwiak - Behind VII
Martin R. Baeyens - Water 1
Martin Sevcovic - Sonde 2
Masahiro Kasai - horizon des evenement p-II
Matej Hrbek - Intermitent Light
Metasit Bunaikbuth - Untitled 1
Miriam Libhaber - Territorio de Luz
Miriana Pino - Nadir
Monika Miazek - Reflection of the Light I
Montserrat Badia Batlle - Pez dorado
Naomi Kubo - 15 May 2022-wave
Nastazja Ciupa - Non-places I
Natalia Smorongiewicz - 2-Light
Natalia Szostakiewicz - Above the Sea
Natasha Norman - Mariner
Niurka Ramírez Peña - El Faro y el Mar II
Nora Laguna - Costa a la Vista II
Nuria Pena - Entropía
Olesya Dzhurayeva - Out of Time II
Oliwier Radzikowski - Transparency
Oscar Santasusagna - Todos a Una
Pablo Corradi - Serie 10
Paula Valero García - Lo visible #2
Paul-Marc Camic - Installation 2-Ocean Deluge
Peta Rodríguez - Mareas Vivas I
Rachel Singel - Sea Anemones
Rafael Kenji Suzuki - The sea in the heart
Reka Adorjani-Gyorgypal - Bubbles
Rita Vandevorst - Sea-girl
Roberto Rossi - Maremoto
Roger Sutcliffe - Kayaking Rough Seas 1-6
Rosa Eva Campo - Olas de Frases Flotando en el Aire
Rosa Vicent Camps - Faro
Rosario Acuña - Cantábrico 1
Salvador Haro González - Farero
Sam Heydt - Polar Caps
Samadhi Vinciguerra - Folio 197v. Codex
Sanae Yamamoto - Blue Sunset II
Sandra Urbanek - Space Lighthouse-Little Dipper
Santamarina - A la Deriva
Sezin Türk Kaya - Fransız Balkon
Shabnam Karpasand - This is Teheran
Silvia Elena Maldini - La Ermita y el Mar 1
Silvio Pozzati - Going Home
Sofía Liendo - Faro I
Sol Laínz - Saludo a Enrique el Farero
Stella Sidi - Historia de 2 Faros
Susanne Dagmar Olsen - Seaeagle
Susanne Klein & Harrie Fuller - Passport control om Suomenlinna
Taichi Kodama - Graftage_22_07
Tamara García - Costa Norte
Tatiana Lameiro González - Connected Views
Tomoko Horiguchi - Light in the Sea II
Toshiaki Shozu - Hope 22.24.3
Tuula Haverinen - Untitled 3
Valentina Stefanescu - Some days take less, but most days take more I
Valeriia Cholovska - Life goes on
Vera Almeida - Tormenta III
Verónica Bonta - 02. De la Seria Signo y Silencio
Vesna Klacar-Nedimovic - Fragments II Australia - Old Cleveland Lighthouse
Vicky Gómez - Near
Vittoria Gajda - Impact I
Xavier Soler Bono - El Equilibrista
Yasufumi Takano - Afternoon Inlet
Yoshihiro Tsuji - Scrimshaw of Seahorses
Yoshiko Mino - Under the Pink Sky, a red Cat
Yuko Tahara - A Path of Light
Yvan LaFontaine - El Guardian del Faro
Yvonne Metzemaekers - Searching III
Zuzana Királyová - Sphere wave
In this photo gallery you will find only the winning works and one work by each artist.
You will be able to see all the works in the catalog that is available, for free download, below.
Click on the image for free download
Jury: Pedro Galilea - Pedro Fernández de la Lastra - Andrea Juan - Guillermo Balbona and David Arteagoitia
Click on the images for full view
Participating Artists
Adriana Olguín
Angú Vázquez
Carolina Gutiérrez
Consuelo Zori Miñana
Floki Gauvry
Gabriela Fernández Madero
Grace Bayala
Laura Cardoner
Laura González
Marcela Caballero
Marcelo Gurruchaga
María Gabriela Zgaib
Marisa Gill
Silvia Elena Maldini
Stella Sidi
Verónica Bonta
Claire Lawson
Jan Farrell
Josephine Duffy
Judy Bourke
Vesna Klacar-Nedimovic
Christine Kertz
Inge Stornig
Manfred Egger
Henry Pouillon
Martin R. Baeyens
Rita Vandevorst
Lurdi Blauth
Rafael Kenji Suzuki
Roger Sutcliffe
Yvan Lafontaine
Ximena Samudio
Niurka Ramírez Peña
Czech Republic
Alessandra Svatek
Matej Hrbek
Susanne Dagmar Olsen
Anna-Liisa Sääsk
Erika Aasa
Eve Eesmaa
Helen Strom
Kalli Kalde
Tuula Haverinen
Borja Moreno Farinós
Camilla Morrill
Carmen Herrera Nolorve
Corinne Mariotte
Dominique Joyeux
Lionel Bras
Abel Dewitz
Bernard Mailer
Carsten Borck
Chie Mori
Cornelia León Villagrá
Luciana Tamas
Dimitris Mouggos
Hong Kong (SAR China)
Bess Yuk Ming Ho
Biro Ildiko
Csaba Pal
Abolfazl Nazari
Elham Radfar
Hamid Reza Bashiri
Shabnam Karpasand
Anne Morris
Bernadette Madden
James McCreary
Lihie Talmor
Francesco Spallina
Miriana Pino
Samadhi Vinciguerra
Akito Tanimura
Chie Fujie
Etsuro Takikawa
Haruko Cho
Hiroaki Sano
Masahiro Kasai
Naomi Kubo
Sanae Yamamoto
Taichi Kodama
Tomoko Horiguchi
Toshiaki Shozu
Yasufumi Takano
Yoshihiro Tsuji
Yoshiko Mino
Yuko Tahara
Angélica Díaz Rafols
Carlos Arturo Tejeda
Laberinto Estigia
Iris van Lavieren
Jozina Marina
Yvonne Metzemaekers
North Macedonia
Marija Svetieva
Anastasia Deyko
Agata Dworzak-Subocz
Agnieszka Helena Jankiewicz
Alicja Habisiak-Matczak
Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska
Anna Szumigaj-Badziak
Anna Trojanowska
Bartosz Korszun
Dominika Kosidlo
Joanna Kobiałka
Jolanta Rudzka Habisiak
Kinga Zarzek
Klaudia Skrobek
Lukasz Chmielewski
Magdalena Kacperska
Malgorzata Stachurska
Marek Grzyb
Marta Śliwiak
Monika Miazek
Nastazja Ciupa
Natalia Smorongiewicz
Natalia Szostakiewicz
Oliwier Radzikowski
Sandra Urbanek
Silvio Pozzati
Vittoria Gajda
Célia de Bragança
Claudina Marques Coelho
Conceiçao Freitas
Marcela Manso
Vera Almeida
Alexandru Jakabhazi
Eduard Jakabhazi
Reka Adorjani-Gyorgypal
Valentina Stefanescu
Jelena Krstic
Eva Ploczeková
Martin Sevcovic
Zuzana Királyová
South Africa
Christiaan Diedericks
Natasha Norman
Alain Campos
Alberto Porres Viñes
Amy Clancy
Ana Aydillo
Ana Undurraga
Ana María Aragüés
Anasztaszia Filimonova
Ángel Arteche García
Antonio de Padua Cañete González
Begoña Calvo
Begoña París Álvarez
Carlos Javier Vielba Seco
Carol Muñoz Patiño
Daniel Aguilera
Daniel Fernández Padrón
Daniel Garbade
Elisabeth Kirschbaum
Eme Vilaplana
Emilia Boix
Emme Jota
Fina Solé Bergé
Francisco Andrino Muñoz
Francisco Javier Martín Galán
Gala Mendioroz
Hortensia Pérez Cuenca
Jaime Moroldo
Jim Lorena
José Gracia
José Manuel Chamorro Chamorro
Julia García López
Julio Rejas
Lola Cereceda
Lorena Iglesias Salas
Lourdes Perlas
Maite Díaz
Maite Fuertes
Manolo Granado
Manuel Matoses Rebollo
Margarita Bravo
María Torta Bausili
María Centeno
María Eugenia Vidal Aguirre
María Glòria Martí Rubí
María Julia del Campo
María Mercedes Echeverría
María Valvanuz García-Saguar Pérez
Montserrat Badia Batlle
Nora Laguna
Nuria Pena
Oscar Santasusagna
Pablo Galego Feal
Paula Valero García
Peta Rodríguez
Rosa Vicent Camps
Rosa Eva Campo
Rosario Acuña
Salvador Haro González
Sol Laínz
Tamara García
Tatiana Lameiro González
Vicky Gómez
Xavier Soler Bono
Branka Grizelj
Hui-Ju Chang
Metasit Bunaikbuth
Aysen Erte
Gökcen Meryem Kılınç
Sezin Türk Kaya
Olesya Dzhurayeva
Valeriia Cholovska
United Kingdom
Bren Unwin
Colin Gillespie
Lawrence Wilson
Linda Parr
Lindsey Moran
Lyn Melville-James
Paul-Marc Camic
Susanne Klein & Harrie Fuller
United States
Amy Sands
Claudia Sbrissa
Elaine Chao
Eszter Sziksz
Jane Szabo
Janette Hopper
Jodi Holmes
Joseph Scheer
Juan Ranieri
Luanda Lozano
Marie Bukowski
Miriam Libhaber
Rachel Singel
Roberto Rossi
Sam Heydt
Pablo Corradi
Sofía Liendo
Regular members of the jury:
Pedro Fernández de la Lastra: Advisory committee member of Cultural Activities of Port Authority of Santander.
Guillermo Balbona Arauna: Editor-in-chief of Culture of El Diario Montañes newspaper.
Andrea Juan: International artist and curator. Drector of SM Pro Art Circle.
Invited members of the jury:
We have the honor of the participation, as invited members of the jury, of:
David Arteagoitia García (Bilbao 1980)
Artist and Doctor in engraving from the University of the Basque Country where he is a permanent professor in the Graphic Techniques section and Director of the Drawing Department. He is a founding member of the IAPA International Academic Printmaking Alliance (Beijing), international advisor at Proyecto´ Ace (Argentina) and Director of the Open Portfolio FIG Bilbao International Meeting for Emerging Graphic Artists.
As a teacher, he has organized and directed various theoretical-practical seminars on contemporary graphic work in centers of recognized international prestige such as the CAFA Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing (China), the George Enescu University of Art in Iasi (Romania), the Camberwell College of Arts in London and the London College of Communication (England) or the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal).
It regularly collaborates with relevant institutions in the field of research, production and dissemination of the arts such as the BilbaoArte Foundation (Bilbao), the FIG International Engraving Festival (Bilbao), the CIEC International Center for Contemporary Prints (A Coruña), the Miró Foundation (Palma de Mallorca), the BilbaoArte Foundation (Bilbao) or the Casa Falconieri Foundation (Italy). He has published more than a dozen articles and books specializing in graphic art and original author work.
An expanded graphic that seeks to transgress the traditional limits of engraving, placing his work halfway between the graphic, the pictorial and the sculptural. His plastic and conceptual interest focuses on the modes of representation of those material and visual aspects that make up the skin of the image. The dialogue between organic forms reminiscent of the macro/microscopic and a rational geometry of color make up the central body of a work that, without abandoning the conceptual and operational modes of graphics, unfolds on the frontier of the disciplines of Art on paper.
Pedro Galilea
Degree in History and Geography (Art History Major). Universidad de Salamanca 1989-1994. Diplôme Universitaire d´Histoire de l’Art, at the Faculty of History and Fine Arts Caen University, BasseNormandie, France 1994-1995. Doctorate courses “Representing the Object” Fine Arts Facuty 1994-1996. Máster en Museología, Fine Arts Faculty of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, 1995-1997. Masters in Museography. Faculty of Fine Arts.
Since 2005 he is the Vicepresident and Director of the CIEC Foundation, International Center for Contemporary Printmaking. Betanzos, A Coruña. ( He previously worked in the Brita Prinz art gallery of Madrid specialized in Graphic Art. In 1999 he earned a scholarship in conservation and investigation in the Prado Museum being assigned the ItalianRenaissance Painting.
Jury Member in Printmaking Contests: Open Buenos Aires 2022, Argentina, Fundación ACE; Triennial International Print Art Sofia 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria; International Printmaking Prize Carmen Arozena, Canary Islands; International Jesús Núñez Graphic Art Prize, Galicia, Spain; Scholarships of the Open Portfolio del FIG Bilbao, Graphic Art International Festival, Bilbao, Euskadi; Xuventude Crea, Galicia; VI Canson Art School Awards, Paris, France, 2016; International Bienial of Balconadas, A Coruña, Galicia, 2008.
Curator: Spanish Contemporary printmakers, 2019, San Stefano Gallery, Sofia, Bulgary; Encuentro Gráficos Galería Alfara-Fundación CIEC, Oviedo, Asturias; Internacional Graphic Art Prize Jesús Núñez, A Coruña, Galicia; INCORUÑA festival “The Next generation”, A Coruña´s Council, 2013; Numerous exhibits, (selection): Alicia Candiani “Orienteen mi Occidente” Fundación CIEC 2015,Javier Jubera “Dame Caballo” Fundación CIEC 2014, “The next Generation” Festival INCORUÑA 2013, “Jesús Núñez formsin the Cosmos” Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de la Cultura 2011, “Jesús Núñez, 60years of creation”, Kiosko Alfonso de A Coruña, 2010, “Manolo Valdés gráfico” Fundación CIEC-Galería Marlborough 2009, “Dalí-Dante, The Divine Comedy” Fondo sCaixanova 2008, “Le Corbusier, Le Poème de l’angle droit”Galería Brita Prinz-Fundación CIEC 2007, “Picasso unknown” Fundación CIEC-Galería Brita Prinz 2006, “Antoní Clavé, 100 graphic works” Fundación CIEC 2003.